The Mathias Braun Family

Annie Braun, a daughter of Mathias, becomes the mother of JLM — the central figure in this web tale.

Members of the Braun family demonstrated ambition, intellectual and artistic talent, charity, and productivity. This page discusses Mathias and his family. There are Braun relatives to Mathias that will be reviewed and as information is developed, pages will be created that will cover them. These will be listed in the Families section in the site's menu.

1830 thru 1930

1830 Mathias Braun is born; Mathias marries Kunigunda Dietrich

Mathias Braun is born in Germany 29 Nov 1830. He emmigrates to the United States at some point and comes to live in Philadelphia.

Mathias marries Kunigunda Dietrich, a German-Bavarian immigrant of 1857 (1910 Census data), on 21 Oct 1860 at Saint Michael's and Zion Church. He is 29 yrs old.

George Peter Johann, Mathias' and Kunigunda's first son, is born 26 Aug 1861 in Philadelphia. Nineteen years later, the 1880 census has George as a machinist.

Elizabeth Christina Braun is born 5 Dec 1863 in Camden, NJ.

Christiana Kunigunda Anna Braun (customarily Anna) is born 6 May 1866 in Philadelphia.

The 1880 Census has Mathias as a 48-year old machinist living at 2400 Thompson St with his wife "K", age 41; son John P age 18, a machinist; and daughters "EC" age 16 "at home" (born in NJ) and Anna K, age 14, "school".

It is assumed that Mathias worked at the Pennsylvania Lawn Mower Company as there were other men with a Braun family name as company principals. Mathias was granted several patents describing engineering improvements for lawn mower devices. At the time, there was also a Philadelphia Lawn Mower Company; the two firms were related only by their being located in Philadelphia. Information on the Pennsylvania Lawn Mower Company is available here.

The 1880 Census has the Mathias Braun family living at 2400 Thompson St in Philadelphia.

"Boyd's Co-Partnership and Residence Business" directories had a listing for Mathias Braun in the following years and addresses:

  • 1863: machinist, 1039 Nectarine St
  • 1861: N 24th St
  • 1888: foreman, 2409 Thompson St
  • 1891: machinist, 2428 Ridge Ave
  • 1894: foreman
  • 1895: machinist, h 2407 Grant Ave

1887 Anna Braun marries John Michel

Anna Braun marries John Michel, an German immigrant shoemaker on December 27, 1887 at St. Michael's and Zion Lutheran church (aka Old Zion). She is approximately 21.5 years of age. Their story is captured on this page on this site.

Bertha, their first-born, is calculated to have been born on 6 Oct 1888 Saturday. Sadly, on 20 Jun 1889 she passes away at 14 months of age at their home 2428 Ridge Ave and is buried in Mount Vernon Cemetery.

John Lewis Michel (herein JLM) is born about 18 months later on 15 December 1890 at 2428 Ridge Avenue in Philadelphia. Dr. Adam J. Dundore signed the birth certificate for JLM. The rest of their story is covered here.

1890 Mathias' son George gets married; Mathias sues John Michel

The 1880 census has George Mathias as a machinist at age 18. The 1900 Census has him employed in real estate (matches his death certificate occupation).

George marries Bertha Kuhlemeier of Philadelphia in St Michael's and Zion church on 15 Jun 1893. They live at 8015 Stenton Ave, Wyndmoor, PA. The 3,517 sq ft home was built in 1896.

George PJ Braun dies 23 Nov 1932 at home: Wyndmoor Rd and Stenton Ave (8015 Stenton Ave, Wyndmoor) of coronary thrombosis at age 71. He was a real estate broker; survived by Bertha, his wife. George is buried at West Laurel Hill cemetary (1125 W Lehigh Ave) by CA Quinby & Son undetakers on 28 Nov 1932.

1905 Mathias Dies

Mathias passes away on 14 Nov 1905 at home: 2309 W Thompson St, Philadelphia, at 74 years, 11 months, and 14 days of age due to "enlargement of the heart". It looks like Dr. AJ Dundore signed his death certificate. He is the doctor who signed JLM's birth certificate in 1890. His office in 1905 was at 2041 Master St in Brewerytown section of PHL. Mathias was buried in West Laurel Hill cemetary by Pfizenmaier Charles Sons undertakers, 1330 Poplar (1887 Boyd's directory) or 1400 N 29th St from death certificate.

Mathias' funeral bill of $395 in 1895 is valued at $14,102 in 2024 dollars.

1910 Census has Kunikunda (sic) as widowed and unemployed; living at 2309 West Thompson St. She owns the home.

The probate filing of Mathias' estate named wife Kunigunda, son George PJ, and daughter Annie Michel as Executors. Real estate named was their home at 2309 W Thompson St and 1810 Van Pelt. 1810 Van Pelt is where Annie is living in 1910 and 1913 and wherein she is running a boardinghouse. This is assumed to be after her separation/divorce from John Michel, her husband.

The probate document calculated a value of $2364 for the contents of Mathias' home, cash, and real estate (properties discussed previously). This is valued at $81,570 today. The probate document of 24 Nov 1905 has George living at 2409 W Thompson St.

1910 Anna Braun Michel is Divorced & Runs a Boardinghouse

At some point after the birth of John Lewis Michel in 1890 and 1910, Anna and John Michel are divorced. The 1897 Philadelphia Directory previously discussed has John's address as 2430 Ridge Ave but the 1910 US Federal Census lists a "Anna K Michel" residing at "1810 Van Pelt St, divorced". The census lists her occupation as "head of boardinghouse", with one border (Edgar K Davis, 38, a railroad brakeman) and her son, John Lewis (JLM). JLM is 19 years old and his occupation is listed as a "stenographer at a bank" (some info on stenography here). In 1900, stenographers (mostly female) were paid about $900/yr with male clerks earning $900-$1200. 1

The 1913 and 1914 Philadelphia White telephone pages lists a "Mrs Anna K Michel 1810 N Van Pelt St, Philadelphia". There is a "John MIchel 2320 N 23rd St" but it is unknown if this could be Anna's former husband. There were no shoe-related businesses in the books related to a John Michel or to his known historical addresses. No other phone directories from that period were available for review. As an aside, an early history of telephones in the US available here.

1929 Kunigunda Braun Dies and a Letter is Received

1910 Census has Kunikunda (sic) Braun, age 70, widowed, living at 2309 W Thompson St, PHL. It states she immigrated from Ger-Bavaria in 1857.

Kunningunda (sic) Braun dies on 4 Jun 1929 at 89 years, 11 months, and 25 days of age at 2309 W. Thompson St, her home. Her cause of death was chronic bronchitis exacerbated by kidney failure. AJ Dundor, MD (who else!) of 1939 Master St signs her death certificate. She is buried with Mathias in West Laurel Hill cemetery on 7 Jun 1929 by CA Quinby & Son undertakers, 1125 W Lehigh Ave. Her birth father was George Dietrich; mother's name not listed.

Circa 1930, a letter was written to I assume JLM. It was written in German from a person named JC Loring who wrote that he was the grandson of Mathias Braun. A translation of the letter and related material are shown. The original letter may be downloaded here.

Anna's sister Elizabeth was married to a Harry Stauffer. She died in 1947 of myocardial failure. Her last residence was 116 W Walnut Lane in the Germantown section of Philadelphia. It appears a relative, George E Stauffer, DO, whose address was 116 W Walnut Lane as well, signed her death certificate.

Additional Reading

  • Mathias Braun patent-related sources may be found: here
  • John A Wiedersheim, solicitor of patents and on at least one of Mathias' patents, was located at 200 N 34th St, PHL. He was involved in formation of "The Powelton Club" on 15 Nov 1894, a social organization described here.

Pennsylvania Lawn Mower links:

  1. From Lafayette Square Archives' story
  2. A layout of the Pennsylvania Mower Works factory dated 1886, from Greater Philadelphia GeoHistory
  4. Additional Braun links: Here